Watermelon Seeds are known to be rich in Fatty acids,Vitamins, Magnesium, Source of proteins, Zinc, Potassium and more.
Watermelon seeds works best for skin, they are used as treatments for all kinds of Skin infections such as eczema, acne, balancing the hormones. they help prevent shedding of skins, strengthen the hair. the magnesium in these seed helps to prevent hair breakage.
According to Korean study, the presence of iron accelerates the recovery of hair follicles.
1. Helps to keep you hydrated
2. digestion
3. Improves Health
4. Boosts Metabolism and help reduce the risk of Prostate Cancer
Uses of watermelon seeds
1. High Cholesterol: take one teaspoon of watermelon seeds powder in a glass of water and drink once a day for one month.
2. Painful Ejaculation: boil one handful of watermelon seeds into three glass of water for 10 mins, strain and drink it through out the whole day, repeat for two weeks.
3. Oily Skin: apply watermelon oil on the affected area to reduce the skin oil.
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